sunday music. day after music. train sitting music. break-up music. reading music. studying music.
comedown-core: the worst, most subjective non-genre since forever.
sure most of this music could and probably is filed under 'chillout' or something similar but i feel like these specific tracks seem to actually understand what im going through and are there to help me at my time of need.
the first and most obvious comedown-core artist would have to be m83. anything by m83. oh my god m83
m83 - Car Chase Terror
Van She - Kelly (m83 Remix)
might be my favourite ever. have nursed me through many a comedown-core moment. they are playing in sydney soon too. maybe you should buy tickets?
the second most obvious comedown-core artist would have to be cut copy. a perfectly intelligent mix of so many sounds that would soothe and numb even the most restless of minds. their tracks 'that was just a dream' and 'zap zap' (should just have been one song) are probably their most solid comedown-core works to date.. the fact that they were the permanent comedown tracks at kobi and lisa's (our old comedown shack) is a testament to this.
absolutely need to be listened to one after the other. but of course you already knew that.
Cut Copy - That Was Just A Dream
Cut Copy - Zap Zap
the new lost valentinos song serio also sits pretty underneath the fluttery cut copy flag. like i said before, i cant believe that this is the same lost valentinos that were floating around last year/the year before but i dont think that really matters. on its own merit this song is very damned sweet. comedown core sweet.
Lost Valentinos - Serio
this sun-speckled remix of asobi seksu by twins would also be a perfect addition to your next comedown-core occasion. all bendy hawaiian guitars and warm bass guitar.. so nice and hazy. the vocals offset the dreamy melody so well.
Asobi Seksu - Familiar Light (Twins Remix)
roxy music made some of the most classy and understated pop music of the '70's and '80's. now its the '00s (gonna be the '10s soon yo) and their music slides into comedown-core so easily. why cant pop music be this good nowadays?
Roxy Music - The Space Between
Roxy Music - True To Life
and what post would be complete without some kind of valerie connection?
pegase is absolutely one of the most rising of stars in that esteemed collective and i cant believe that i have never posted about him before. now seems like a good time though as this song fits the comedown core mold pretty well.
apparently this is a demo but to that i say "whatever". the wistful synths and choked vocals somehow bring '70s french movies to mind. weird hey.
if this song was approx three minutes longer it could totes be the score for c'était un rendez-vous
Pegase - Without Reason
ok im gonna stop now or else this post will go on for eternity. so many notable exclusions hey. oh well--more later. in the meantime maybe you can tell me your favourite comedown-core songs?
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sorry- a bit of a premature post.. the links work now. maybe i should go down and visit my good friends at the advanced medical institute
Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks man that song goes down a treat after a big night
hell yes.. good choice. i wonder what their new album will be like? i havent been overly impressed with the leaked singles?
Hahaha re your first comment Steve :)
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