the avalanche of quality new music in 2010 is somewhat shocking. it seems that i barely have time to calm myself after an excellent release before i find myself again pulling out my hair over something new.
take this goldfrapp remix by greg wilson for instance: probably the closest thing to perfection ive heard all year. it came up on wilson's bestival promo mix and when i heard it, i was literally stopped in my tracks. you may call them cheesy, but epic, emotion-laden strings twist my dials every time.
apparently it wont be properly released for a while, so i took some initiative and sliced it out of the bestival mix for your listening pleasure..
another cause for major excitement in blouse land has been the release of todd terje's 'remasters of the universe'..
there may be a few tracks and mixes on 'remasters...' that have been floating around for a while, but there are also some rare bits and bobs that i didnt even know existed.. like this version of 'all that she wants' by ace of base that he made under the name 'chuck norris'. it may be so so simple, but that familiar, smooth, rolling bassline coupled with reverby snares are a match made in musical heaven.
Chuck Norris (aka Todd Terje) - All That She Wants
grab terje's 'remasters of the universe' here.. you know its worth it.
ichisan and nakova dropped their debut long-player 'yugo tempo' on us not long ago and as expected, it is a really solid effort. i was perhaps expecting more grand, sweeping compositions (considering ichisan is on board), but in their place is bubbling, raw and suitably cosmic funk. 'tarantela' comes from the darker side of the album and features an array of stringed instruments - expect banjos and twangy guitars before the strings tie it all together.
Ichisan & Nakova - Tarantela
grab 'yugo tempo' by ichisan and nakova here..
this new pollyn/paul simon edit ambushed me while i was writing this post.. i havent listened to paul simon in quite some time, and hearing his innocent voice again was really good. pollyn hasnt changed things up too much here, instead allowing simon's voice and melodies take the spotlight..
Paul Simon - 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover (Pollyn Re-edit)
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nooooooooooo! the todd terje is DOWN
nah link is just got an extra http
whoops sorry.. all fixed
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