well apparently today is a hump day, although it certainly feels like a monday to me. having a public holiday on a tuesday might do that.
so after arriving at work feeling pretty bummed about what i thought was the start of the week, i started playing the new radio dept ep "never follow suit" and was immediately cheered.
"the one" is the first track off the ep and i can also imagine it being a great first track to their live set. its brooding intro builds into the beautiful, melancholic and cinematic electro pop that they do so very excellently.
Radio Dept. - The One (alt)
grab the never follow suit ep here.. and if you are feeling extra keen on the radio dept (i wouldnt blame you) then you can grab their recent lp 'clinging to a scheme' at the very same place.
after enjoying a thoroughly chilled morning, i worked out that today was actually wednesday - not monday - and decided to adjust my music accordingly.
i recently received the much anticipated 'swim remixes' collection by caribou and friends and i eagerly dove in.
it wasn't at all what i expected - i don't think that it is anywhere as open and accessible as i thought it would be, but there is such deep quality on here that i think it might end up being a keeper.
ikonika's mix of "leave house" is an early favorite with its frenetic dubby pace offset by some great ambient and sometimes menacing synths.
Caribou - Leave House (Ikonika Remix) (alt)
the "swim remixes" cd was officially released yesterday in the states, and you can grab it from there via here.
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