by all reports the just finished uni semester was an f'ing tough one. so stoked i dont have to deal with that shit anymore :) :)
anyhooos, now that the semester is finished, the blouse team is back to full steam- and this also means that our server is back up and running!! so no more pesky yousendits or zshares.. fuck yea..
earlier this week, i got handed some excellent new phonat beats..
havent really heard much of phonats music before, despite having heard a fair bit about him. further investigation of his myspace didnt turn up much. apparently hes from london and likes to pose with guitars.
his beats are pretty tough though.
Phonat - Sexitude (Phonat Remix)
Phonat - Learn To Recycle
Young Punx - Fire (Phonat Remix)
Sexitude is such a menacing track.. but not without some funky syncopation and cool little vocal stabs, which seem to be an awesome theme to phonats songs. for some reason a bloke going 'oo'' or 'ah' over the top of a song works for me though.. hmm. Learn To Recycle is such a surprising song- wait til about half wway through.... a lot less menacing then Sexitude and very good.
in other amazing news, ive just got handed a slightly old promo by sydney faves The Peoples Republic. this theme for the kids in this april promo was italo disco..
such an awesome bunch of tracks- perfect to chill or work to.
The Peoples Republic Italo Disco Mix
italo disco=awesome
the peoples republic=great
could you repost these please :)
could you please repost Sexitude by phonat!!!! Fire is one of my favourites do you know any other tracks that are simlar in any way to Fire its so bangin!
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