ok time for a chill post.. i know its thurs and i should be listening to bangerzz (and in the last 30 mins and after 3 beers i have been) but today def feels like a chill day.. (or maybe that spiel was merely segue into my posting some wicked chilled beats ive been listening to recently..)
i got my hands on the new goldfrapp album, 'seventh tree' earlier this week and have been blasting.. or quietly playing it ever since. it seriously is amazing..
its not as sassy or upbeat as the other goldfrapp music that ive heard in the past but it sure is good.
the album as a whole is still quite playful (as is the goldfrapp way) but has a large amount of majestic-ness added to it, thanks mostly to the classy strings and ambience that they have added.
classy is actually the best word to describe this new album.. either that or some word like relaxing that conveys more..
chilltastic? relaxabulous? chillaxastion? (my status on facebook and msn was 'steve has been falling asleep in the besst possible way" for the whole week..)
Goldfrapp - Clowns
Goldfrapp - Little Bird
to accompany these chilled beats are more chilled beats.. i know it seems very obvious that listening to chilled music all day makes you relaxed but jeeezz.. feeling pretty relaxed at the mo'.. would rather be chilled like this then all pent up like iam after a day of bangers.
The Tings Tings - Shut Up and Let Me Go (Classixx Remixx) thanks to palms out
Sam Sparro - Sally (Soul Warriors Remix
Alan Braxe - Penthouse Serenade
plus- a late addition
Rubies - I Feel Electric (feat Feist) (Tie Dye Version)
AMAZING- one of the best chilled songs ive heard for ages- totally debilitating.
and, as a bonusbonusbonus here is a track that has been on high rotation for me ever since i heard it for the first time on the cut copy fabriclive.. for some reason the simplicity in the relationship between guitar and bass really gets me off... ooo yeaa..
even if you dont like the whole track- its worth listening to for the when the bass first kicks
The Faint - Your Retro Career Melted (Ursula 1000 Remix)
sleep time
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