while i wait for the blouse system to sort its fuckin' life out (mate) i thought i would regale you with an interesting tale.
this tale involves a certain mr knightlife and his return to the fold. are you getting excited yet? you damn well should be.
knightlife II comes out on may 22 and i am being led to believe that a giant release party (featuring cut copy djs and a certain dj dreamtime) is being held at oxford art factory on june 12. tickets here
snippets of said release can be heard on the cutters website and you should immediately go and treat your ears:
Treat Your Ears
with 'crusader' and 'discotirso', knightlife has taken another confident step in sunny discoland.. while the bouncy bass of 'discotirso' will defs get butts a'wigglin', the cut copy/whitford fingerprints all over 'crusader' particularly get me all red and blushy. equally good is the nile delta (aka dj belgium) remix of 'all systems' which features as part of the b side.. a new sound for him as well: breezy nudisco for miles. so good.
amazing! they play the night after passions and danger here in bris. but i can't find any ticket sales on moshtix :(
hmmm it was there?
its on this friday please go. id love to hear how the new songs sound
hmmm it was there?
its on this friday please go. id love to hear how the new songs sound
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