after quite a decent disco hiatus, i have been slowly and steadily rediscovering my love for the genre.. and on a day like this, its very easy to slip back into the warm groove. especially when the revenge is the one providing said groove.
yes, today has seen me unpack a lot of his back catalogue. hours of fun listening to be had for sure. i have to say that im not a fan of everything that graeme clarke puts out, but when hes on form: "damn hes good."
this isley brothers rework comes straight from slow burner heaven.. a bit of a dubby flavour to this one, thanks to a deep grooving bassline and wandering high range synths.
Isley Brothers - Between The Sheets (The Revenge Rework) (alt)
anyone else feel the biggie connection in that one? sorry, probably a dumb question.
i couldnt believe my eyes when i saw this edit. the foo fighters' 'everlong' was possibly one of my favourite tracks from my grunge era and to see it re-edited by revenge was mind boggling.
im still trying to wrap my mind around the idea, but basically this edit is of the acoustic version of this track and features added percussion and some lush strings..
Foo Fighters - Everlong (The Revenge Rework) (alt)
possibly the highlight of my day though has been rediscovering this little stevie wonder edit called 'night flight'.. it was doing the rounds in late 2008, so hopefully you have already come across it. if not, please grab it immediately - its smoky groove is absolutely crucial.
The Revenge - Night Flight (alt)
i also came across an interesting little mash up/edit that he did of pharrell's frontin' and bobby brown's 'on our own' (hilariously from the ghostbusters soundtrack). i wasn't really sold on the whole concept, but the bobby section was pretty damned excellent. *90's hip-house pop ftw*
Bobby Brown - On Our Own (alt)
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