Monday, 14 July 2008

up there

Monday, 14 July 2008

the indie scene is sooo massive and saturated with try hard posers at the moment that its getting hard to keep track of it all..
i know its bad, but for a band to get onto my radar these days i have to love the first song of theirs that i hear, or else i disregard them. this is a very sub conscious thing that i do, and when i later on discover that the band is actually awesome i get really annoyed.

i disregarded cazals ages ago when i heard a remix of theirs that i disliked, and was greatly annoyed today when i reluctantly gave their album ('What Of Our Future' - buy here) a listen only to discover that they are actually quite good.

although they do have plenty of shit brit pop elements that occasionally surface in their tracks, (ie cheesy riffs, stupid boppy basslines, annoying accents and unnecessary synth parts) there are heaps more cool elements that surface heaps more often to make them cooler than your average maximo park..

Cazals - Life Is Boring

Cazals - New Boy In Town

the singles that accompany the life is boring single were also pretty cool.. i really loved the ali love remix- really smooth, funky bassline driven song.. this take on the track really brings the vocals out- makes them sound different and unique..

Cazals - Life Is Boring (Ali Love / Harder Mix

Cazals - Life Is Boring (Crookers Zuppa del Cazal Remix)

crookers also had a red hot go at this track, producing TWO remixes.. i chose to post this one because its far less martian-invasion sounding than the other one..
is this a new trend that crookers is starting?? i noticed that they also made 2 remixes for moby.. is it not enough to just make 1 remix these days????

what is the world coming to?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're such a knobber Steve. Listened to the Cazals as you said, but have to disagree with your review. I really think Maximo Park are one of the bands you heard one of the songs of, disliked it, and then disregarded them. You haven't even heard 13 out of the 14 tracks on the second album and yet you berate them so much.
Personally, I think they have much more depth/talent than the Cazals, who only seem to have a couple of catchy songs.