huzzah its friday yet again.. and just in the nick of time too..
sttrraannggeee things have been happening today.. scary and.. unsettling things.... oh shit its friday the 13th!! and the only way to celebrate this terrifying day in a suitably terrifying way is to put on Terrorvision's new promo
Terrorvision's Terrifying Friday the 13th mix
these lads have been blowing up canberra for some time with residencies and gigs at Academy, Exposed and Lot but are moving back up to sydney with high hopes to continue blowing things up here. good on you lads keep blowing.
tonight they will be blowing a very special (yet utterly frightening) 'Friday the 13th' Sosueme @ Qbar so come down and pardy.
to help us get to pardy time tonight is yuksek.. such a scary name.. after diggin through my old records the other day i was reminded about how yuksek makes really good (hard rave-style) pardy tunes.
Yuksek - Little Dirty Trip
Yuksek - Composer (Surkin Remix)
M83 - Graveyard Girl (Yuksek Mix)
Yuksek - Amerik
im sure that noone reading this will need any sort of yuksek introduction. him and surkin really had this whole glitchy hard- yet not quite too hard- thing down for a while there.. i would think that he is still one of the most respected members of the glitchy electro community which has been so saturated and watered down in recent times..
the first two songs really give off a claustrophobic vibe to me.. for some reason images of sweaty dancing in a small sweatbox club come to mind whenever i hear them. i really like the way that the whole screechy new rave sound is balanced with bouncy, boppy - almost sensible bass in these tracks.
the second two tracks are some of his newer work.. while graveyard girl might be more to his tried and true awesome formula, amerik is definite blow your ears off nu-rave.. i like it for some reason though.. despite the high hecticity levels, i enjoy the little staccato bursts of distortion.
another inclusion into the terrifyingly shit band name club is S'Express.. (even though it is pronounced s-express i can imagine them sitting around thinking how clever they were coming up something that could be interpreted as sexpress)
S'Express - Stupid Little Girls
S'Express - Stupid Little Girls (Eon's Blacklist Remix)
after some very enlightened reading, i learned that s'express was a founding member of acid house with their song 'Theme from S'express' topping the UK singles chart in 1988.
now were in 2008, and mark moore and kitsune have revived the s'express beast to give us 'stupid little girls'.
its in a similar vein to 'theme from s'express' and just as effective.. girly vox laden with 'tude over a simple, yet edgy synth riff. very much in keeping with their hypnotic acid house hits from back in the day.
the remix definitely takes it up a notch though.. nice lo-fi electro..
the thing that makes early house, hip hop or rock or whatever so awesome is the simplicity..
simple=awesome aka K.I.S.S.
have a good weekend mwahahahahaha
1 comment:
Download limit has been reached for Yuksek - Composer (Surkin Remix)!!!
Please reupload. Thank you.
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