this weekend will hopefully be one of the best weekends ever so why not listen to bangers? i might work with a bit of an order here for to make it easier for all of us.. maybe from softest to hardest? "great idea."
ok so like ray was saying the other day, donny diablo-man has recently been popping out tracks like nadya suleman and im pretty sure that the majority of them have been rather awesome.
this remix of the plump djs is one of his newer ones and is definitely a step in a new direction for him. gone are the distorted synths and neon electro demeanor.. replacing these are vocoders and a funky as shit bassline.. very nice
Plump DJs - Beat Myself Up (Don Diablo Rerub)
do you remember a time last year when villains were owning it? i do. they owned it and then they seemed to go back underground. hopefully this N.A.S.A. remix means they are coming back above ground. their funky electro style is definitely more than welcome.
N.A.S.A. - Whatchadoin? (Villains Remix)
this new autokratz remix is a typical sweaty backroom slammer from the boys. maybe a little less ear-ripping and a little more 80's.. whatever- i like it.
Disco Trash Music - Neon Disco (autoKratz Remix)
there seems to be a bit of a trend amongst american producers to chuck a bit of a MSTRKRFT, autoKratz or datA of late and play around with the vowels in their names. not too sure about all that, but i do know that this track by sxndrgs is awesome in the toughest way. distorty electro from the early beetroots/justice days...
SXNDRGS - Chrome Depot
and last up is this take on empire of the sun's walking on a dream by old favourites south central.. it is absolutely ridiculous.
south central were never a group that i could never put my finger on- one second they were making dubby introspective remixes of van she's kelly, then they go ahead and blast walking on a dream atom from atom. i love it.
i can literally visualise the sweat dripping off the ceiling when this song is playing. holy shit. so good. so brutal.
Empire of the Sun - Walking On A Dream (South Central Bootleg Mix)
so anyway have a great weekend. enjoy these bangers on the weekend.
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