cutters continue their busy start to the year with a new release from ex riot in belgium/half of voltage man nile delta.
featuring two originals and a swag of remixes, i was frothily anticipating this one - but in retrospect, i should have perhaps saved my froth for something else.
'channel' which is (i think) the lead song, sounded great in the teaser video but was actually stuck in first gear.. it ended up a touch monotonous.
'all this' (the other original) fares better with it's soft pads and subtly driving bassline.. the vocals are a tiny bit irritating though. chicken lips come to the rescue with a bright, upbeat remix that beefs up the bassline and really brings this track onto the d-floor.
Nile Delta - All This (Chicken Lips Malfunction)
grab the channel/all this ep by nile delta here.
this next slice of irresistibly stuttering fun comes to us from the joined force of teams (usa) and star slinger (uk).. the smooth, yet gravelly bassline nicely matches the soulful disco and is an absolute tonic for your friday. grab a cocktail and turn off the lights.
Teams vs. Star Slinger - Life Partner
they have released a split ep which you should get into your life. find it here.
this next effort by sferro feels like a throw back to the blog haus era in all the right ways.. 80's sounding to the point where it almost feels like a kavinsky remix, this is the song to play if you want to get people up and about. so many synths my head is swimming.
Sferro - Life Partner
grab the sferro 'new output' ep for free free free here.
i came across this next piece of happiness on rrr's 'noise in my head' program hosted by michael kucyk. it is by a 70's brazilian singer named 'baby consuelo' who was rather a big thing back in those days. don't really know if you'll be into it, but it sounds very much like what the street parties in rio stand for: unadulterated joy and celebration of life. if thats what you feel like listening to, i hope you enjoy it. if you still need convincing, i could really see this track on an avalanches mix:
Baby Consuelo - Todo Dia Era Dia De Indio
happy friday!
Very nice, thanks.
amazing selection!!!!!
thanks guys!!!!!
feel free to visit me on soundcloud
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