Sunday 24 February 2008

capitalise OR DIE

Sunday 24 February 2008

In a survey of the world's top bloggers, it was revealed that Rachel from blouse was the laziest. In response to her dubious title, she apologised and wrote a blog post. In essence, the post was about the lack of capitalisation of the first letter of the first word in a sentence or the first letter of proper nouns. It was highly riveting with occasional references to offenders being killed with tritons.

She then reflected upon her journey to Good Vibes in Melbourne which could only be described as fun - nothing more. They were all eating! Kanye was playing and everyone was sitting around drinking beer, wearing jeans and eating gozleme. Spectacular sight which is only partially seen in the festival-obsessed city of gurn faces known as Sydney (who I love dearly) and rarely/never seen in the fluoro-drenched dust bowl of tacky foxes known as the Gold Coast. I hate bitching about other cities in this country, it's so Melbournian of me.

In lieu of a good festival memory from Good Vibes that didn't involve tripping, hallucinating or tequila, she then called upon festivals of yesteryear. Spirit Catcher at We Love Sounds was some of the most perfectly tweaked and utterly flawless future-disco-tech I have heard. No one does electronica as effortlessly and sexy as them. It makes me want to don a silver jumpsuit and space heels and hold your hand while I sway under the mirror ball.

2020 Soundsystem - Grey Clouds (Spirit Catcher Gated Mind mix)

Spirit Catcher - Silver City

Yours truly under the full moon tonight,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

"I hate bitching about other cities in this country, it's so Melbournian of me."

oh. i see what you did there...

very clever.