Wednesday, 23 July 2008

the price is right

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

after a few days off what better way to get back in the blouse than with a themed post?

a lot of music coming my way in recent times seems to be from people that like to include the word neon into their name.. damn i wish i could come up with something witty about neon but i keep confusing it for fluro.. damn

Neon Neon are a new(ish) group that have been much hyped around the traps.
they are an interesting duo with one of them being an american hip hop producer and the other a welsh rocker from the band super furry animals.. interesting..
with the members of the band coming from such different backgrounds their sound is understandably very diverse.. so diverse in fact that it sort of feels like they took it in turns to produce the songs- with some being quite rocky, others quite hip hoppy and others something else completely..
'i lust you' fits quite snugly into the last category as a classy electro pop gem..

Neon Neon - I Lust U

this song is definitely one that gets under your skin.. after hearing this track on some mix a while back i know it sure as hell got under mine.. the simple yet satisfying poppy beat complements the laid back vocals so well.. if you like glass candy you will definitely like this..

these remixes bring the track up a bit.. but only a bit, with Eli Escobar and Heartbreak both choosing to keep that classic tempo and relaxed vibe prominent

Neon Neon - I Lust U (Heartbreak Remix)

Neon Neon - I Lust U (Eli Escobar Remix)

very lush very nice

in other neon news, Neon Blak have recently sent through a few new remixes..
it seems that they are copying trendsetters crookers by doing up two remixes for Adam Tensta..

Adam Tensta - Dopeboy (Neon Blak GT Edit)

Adam Tensta - Dopeboy (Neon Blak 2 Much Edit)

these are both very catchy, high quality remixes. Neon Blak have made these remixes really cunningly with the GT remix grabbing you straight away and the 2 Much edit slowly growing on you..

hip hop + electro= winning combo

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